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Lou Quinton standing outdoors in the Cornish countryside, smiling brightly with her hair windswept by the breeze

I'm Lou, lover of all things Cornwall, eater of all things pasta shaped, wrangler of my tiny son and grower of businesses (If I was in Game Of Thrones, that would totally be my title). 

Based in Cornwall, I spend my days with sand between my toes (often with an adorable little toddler running along beside me). I honed in on my skill of web design while obtaining my marketing degree for Exeter University, and began to grow my own business after I graduated.

After growing my own business for the past 10 years, and receiving awards such as Cornwall's 30 Under 30 2021 Award, I realise just how much noise and misinformation there is out there for people who are in the process of growing theirs.

I also know just how phenomenal it is to grow a business from a laptop on your sofa, and I want to show others that they can do the same.

Nice to meet you!

Find me at the beach...

Graphic image styled as a 90s magazine questionnaire with handwritten responses revealing personal and quirky facts about Lou

Let's do this 90's magazine style...


Get excited, get imaginative, get those beautiful ideas onto a screen, and get your time back. 

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